Tennis PARKS
150 years after its creation, tennis is undergoing a revolution… in technicolor, because tennis is above all a story of desire!
System 4 revolutionizes tennis on 2 levels
Strategic Revolution |
Strength ?
a new "4 in 1" architecture for a dynamic evolving gaming experience. ​
What is the four-color design for?
To "make the pot beautiful", as sociologist Michel Maffesoli likes to repeat, but above all to make the field "intelligent" with 4 now "explicit" game areas. It converts color into the pleasure of embarking on a great long-distance adventure...
For children, the 4 colored courts "materialize" the 4 stages of their development, respecting their psycho-physical development.
Sports revolution |
Recipe ?
an approach to the game that reinvents the pleasure of playing tennis, in terms of accessibility and attractiveness, with its direct access to the match so dreamed of... for immediate pleasure!